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Tag: estate planning
estate planning

Executor or Trustee to Settle an Estate

We help folks through traditional planning as well as crisis planning. And much of our practice is devoted to the idea of helping someone settle an estate. And this gets confusing for folks because the person who settles the estate is commonly referred to as the administrator of the estate. It doesn’t mean that they’re …Read More

Estate planning can be a jungle, and a guide can be invaluable.

There comes a time for a business owner to plan transition of ownership.  Before selling or giving a business to family members, the owner must devote thought to the outcome that he or she wants to accomplish. Regardless of the intended family recipient(s), all parents have to ponder and answer the following questions to determine their exit objectives: How much ...Read More

Celebrity Estate Planning goes awry Pt. 6

Whether famous or just regular folks, we are reminded by the following anecdote that a few extra steps in your estate planning will deliver on your intentions. Florence “FloJo” Griffith Joyner This Olympic sprinter wrote a will (which was a good estate planning act), but she never told anyone where it was.  The result left her husband was ...Read More